Spring Hill College Print Projects
Homecoming on the Hill Postcard
The Homecoming on the Hill postcard started with a simple idea of nostalgia. Using the photography of the avenue of the oaks to inspire alumni to visit their treasured school. The imagery persuaded many viewers to come to the event by reminding them of the school from which they graduated.
design, photography

Burke Memorial Library Advertising Campaign
The Burke Library Campaign began with a focus group identifying that students didn’t feel comfortable asking for help from librarians or using the library’s resources. In order to convince students to use the librarians and resources, librarians became the forefront of imagery, making them appear more approachable, personable, and helpful.
design, photography

Spring Hill College Infographics
Components from this project were used throughout designs for Spring Hill College’s Communications Department. Composed of research from the admissions department and career services department, it displays information on the school, faculty, and current and past students. It showcases how students at SHC thrive during attendance and after they graduate.
infographics, design